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Becky Wright at "Blind School Bash" Concert, Muskogee, OK 2006

Thursday, April 8, 2010

WHY on earth would you vote for me?

Hello-- Becky Wright here. I've been contacted a few times from some "industry folk" that I should be "inviting my fans" to VOTE for me for some music awards I'm up for. Now, honestly, I'd rather pluck my eyebrows or clean toilets than hound my fans & friends to spend 5 minutes to jump through a few hoops for me, for which they receive no "tangible return". Know what I mean?

However, I got an email from a young woman this morning, who had attended a recent concert of mine, at a tiny church of only about 30 people in attendance. After the concert, she tearfully confided in me some things about her life (concerning child abuse she'd suffered, adoption, finding Christ), and that she KNEW that she was supposed to be there that night to hear my songs and my testimony. Her email today said:

"I hope you remember me from [church name]. I was going to send you my "story" of my adoption and what happened after... I think writing it down will even touch my own mind and heart as well, but am excited that someone is interested in "me" as I have never really "belonged" anywhere; and now someone says "I want to hear your story"! Thank you, that made me feel of worth. I will be in touch soon. You take care and God bless you!!!"

A life CHANGED... HOPE restored... a heart beginning to HEAL. THAT'S why I do what I do. God taking my "mess" and making it into a "message" of hope and restoration. Reason enough.

That being said, awards tend to "open doors", like something nice on a resume. People tend to believe you might actually have something to say or share, if thousands of "fans" believe that about you. SO, I'm asking YOU to VOTE in the Agape Fest Awards, by the April 15th deadline (7 days from when I'm writing this!), and would certainly appreciate your consideration. Here's the link to sign up: (Free, of course): http://www.kingcountryagapefest.com/vote2010.html

Below is the "Official" press release, FYI. Also, if you live in north Texas or anywhere nearby, I would LOVE to meet you at the festival! (FREE for fans.) Let me know! Becky


The 9th Annual King Country Agape Fest, this year to be held in Granbury, Texas, announces its Top 5 Finalists for various awards in music and media. Becky Wright, Oklahoma singer/songwriter and 2008 Agape Fest Female Songwriter of the Year, is among the Finalists for Female Vocalist of the Year, and Female Songwriter. Christian Artists, radio & TV personnel and others are nominated. The public is urged to cast their vote for their favorites, before the April 15th deadline. Go to: www.kingcountryagapefest.com/vote2010.html to see the list of finalists and sign up to vote (online, and FREE).

The 2010 Agape Fest, sponsored by KNGR King Country Radio, takes place in downtown Granbury, TX, an hour south of Ft. Worth/ Dallas, from Wed.-Sat. June 23rd - 26th. Over 100 Christian/gospel and positive country artists from across the USA & Canada will perform at 10 restaurants and other venues around the city. The festival includes a Talent Competition, Songwriting Competition, Top 5 Awards Show (open to the public), and culminates with the Awards Show on Sat. June 26th. The festival is FREE and open to the public, and a great chance for fans to get to know the artists "up close and personal". Those wishing to enter the Talent or Songwriting Competition may do so through the website, with fantastic prizes and opportunities (radio airplay, album production, etc.) available for the winners. For more info, see http://www.kingcountryagapefest.com/ . Listen 24/7 to KNGR online at www.kingcountry.org.

Becky Wright is a Staff Missionary of Artists in Christian Testimony, International, with home offices in Brentwood, TN. She's recorded five albums, and is currently touring the USA speaking and singing for women's ministry events, and adoption/orphan and crisis pregnancy ministry events. She resides in northeastern Oklahoma with her husband and youngest 4 children (of nine), a Cocker Spaniel and a very old cat. www.beckywrightsongs.com

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