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Becky Wright at "Blind School Bash" Concert, Muskogee, OK 2006

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Haunting Dream: The Orphan Killing

“A Haunting Dream: The Orphan Killing”

A true testimony of Becky Wright, Written down on Aug. 2, 2010.

Thirty-two days ago, on June 30th, 2010, I had a very disturbing dream. Its images and sounds are so vivid in my memory that it haunts me even now. I knew when I awoke that I was supposed to write it down—not that I could ever forget the details of it, but so that I could share it with others. However, I am reluctant to speak of it (and have only told two people the details of the dream so far) because it is not a “happy message” or a beautiful thought to contemplate. I’ll share at the end what I believe God has shown me to be the meaning of the dream. Perhaps He will show you, too, or help you understand it better than me? I pray so.  Amen.

“Extraordinary Choir Rehearsal”

It was our final choir rehearsal before the bigger-than-ever patriotic July 4th service. The music, the voices, the instruments sounded heavenly, and we were all exuberant with anticipation for this Sunday’s outreach.  We prayed for lost souls to be saved, for God's protection of our military, and for people to be blessed. Our pianist then announced that we were adding another aspect to our “performance”: a choreographed field marching routine, like a high school band would do for a half-time show. I couldn’t believe it… but we all went to the field to sing and play, perfectly choreographed, in precise formation, to reach the lost.  It would be the “best performance ever” from our church choir and worship team, and God would be glorified through it... at least that was our hope and assumption.

“Stepping on Children”

As we left the rehearsal, we had to crawl through a very small and rustic door opening (as if between two floors of a building) to put away our choir notebooks. The pianist and I chatted excitedly until we entered the room to put away our music. The room was filled with children, maybe fifty or more, jam-packed and sitting cross-legged on the floor. They appeared to be Latino, and there was one woman (also Latino/ Hispanic) at the front of the room, speaking to them in their language. There was no aisle to walk between the children; we literally had to step on the children to put away our notebooks on the shelf in the back of the room. The children winced but did not make a sound as we stepped on their legs and hands, as if they were accustomed to such treatment. We wondered why they were there, but still we left without speaking to the children or to their caretaker.

“The Swamp Creatures”

After we exited the building, I found myself alone, and looking at a grotesque sight. Standing on the edge of a swamp, a murky-looking pond, I saw two babies on a nearby shore. Their heads were deformed and their legs were shorter than usual, like an unfortunate combination of birth defects or dwarfism. One was black and one was white, one with hair and one with none. They let out a pitiful and weak cry, having been left to die by their mothers, who were nowhere to be seen. I then noticed a man with a television camera apparently filming a documentary about these pathetic creatures. I could even hear the British accent of the narrator who told the story of these “forgotten children”. They did nothing to help the babies, but only told their story for the world to see... like a freak show. A sordid form of entertainment.

“Drowning the Children”

I then heard the splashing of water and turned to see a sight that still makes me shudder and scream inside. It appeared to be my own husband, a good Christian man, throwing children—all sizes and colors—into the water to drown. He put a heavy weight around their arms to hold them down- like an inner-tube made of lead, and plunged them into the water to drown more quickly. I screamed at him to stop, but he methodically continued, seemingly overwhelmed by the task of caring for these orphans who’d been abandoned, and (in his way) attempting to end their suffering. He then picked up a red can and began pouring what appeared to be gasoline into the water, to poison the water and hasten their death! At first, the drowning children looked somewhat disfigured, and were mostly black or Hispanic-looking. But soon the children being “thrown away” began to be Caucasian-looking, blond-haired, with no obvious physical deformities-- much like my own children.

“My Own Son”

Then the most horrific part of the dream occurred, and I cry and rage every time I see it. My husband grabbed our own first-born son, Aaron (age 14) and another boy approximately 4 years old, and wedged the heavy “ring of death” around them both, which held their arms down so they could not escape, and shoved them into the water. I saw the little boy coughing and screaming under the water, and watched my own son Aaron as his eyes simply closed as they began to sink. I jumped into the water and grabbed the boys from underneath, to free them from their yoke of death. As I pulled them to shore, I heard Aaron groaning and knew that he must still be alive, so I began to breathe into the little boy’s mouth and give him chest compressions. He started to cough up water and cry, so my attention turned back to my own son. I shook Aaron and cried, “Aaron, are you okay?” Aaron scrambled to his feet and replied, “Yes, just get me away from him,” nodding his head toward the man who’d thrown him into the water – the very person whom he’d once trusted with his life.

“Awakened from the Nightmare”

I awoke suddenly from this horrible, unimaginable nightmare, and immediately tears filled my eyes and my heart pounded—with relief, with rage, with compassion, with guilt, with a deep sadness, but also with a sense of urgency --and destiny-- like never before. I wept and prayed intermittently throughout the day, asking God the meaning of the dream, then weeping all the more as He revealed it to me, bit by bit. Here’s what I understand, as I continue to pray for even more understanding:

“Spreading the Gospel?”

Before I continue, please don’t misunderstand what I’m about to share. I am a professional musician and songwriter, a voice and piano teacher, and former school music teacher who has written and produced hundreds of “shows”, both in schools, and church/evangelistic outreaches (utilizing music, etc.). I believe what the scripture says about “playing skillfully upon the instruments”, and in presenting the Gospel with excellence, utilizing whatever talent and resources each particular situation requires. In my dream, our choir and music ministry was doing just that—what we truly felt God wanted us to do in presenting a fabulous musical outreach to the community. However, in the hoop-la and busy-ness of all our “service to the LORD”, we stumbled upon the children in the obscure, crowded room. We had to stoop to even reach them, entering through an almost “half-door”. It wasn’t comfortable or convenient. And, like many others before us, we stepped on and right over the children, never inquiring to see how we could help their situation. It was as if we pretended they didn’t exist.

“Disposable Children… to Whom?”

In the dream I believe that my husband represented the “every-day Joe Christian”. Hank is a father of nine children, and a Child Welfare Supervisor, a former pastor and Navy Chaplain, a faithful church attendee, and an obvious Christian. Yet, seemingly overwhelmed with the task of so many children in need, he saw his murderous acts as “mercy-killings”, since (he thought, as many of us do, even unconsciously), “We can’t save them all, so why try?” And, like the deformed babies left on the beach to die, we’ve erroneously come to believe that “disabled” or disfigured children (or adults), particularly with a different skin color and different language, are “disposable” or less valuable than our own children. We would never admit it, and it’s certainly not politically (or spiritually) correct to say such a horrid, ego-centric thing.

“Not My Child!”

We stepped over and upon the quiet children with brown skin and a strange language, huddled in a cramped room, as we went on our way doing our “Christian service”. They weren’t our children, we reasoned. Like the camera man filming a documentary, we watch with a mix of intrigue and sympathy —but react with apathy (by not acting), because we see the task as overwhelming, and therefore not worth the effort. Our very lack of action, however, is the fruit and evidence of what we truly believe, what we treasure —or what we devalue. If GOD, our Heavenly Father, had such an attitude, NO ONE would be saved… no, not one.

But when my OWN SON was in danger, being “disposed of” like garbage, then I sprang into action. Then I saw the urgency and necessity of immediate intervention, to stop this ongoing crime, and save these children. They were each precious in God’s sight!! They were ALL called to be His, and to represent every tribe, tongue, and nation around God’s throne in Heaven one day, as Revelation 5:9 tells us: "You are worthy… and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”

“What Now?”

I found my eyes filled with tears a few hours later as I went grocery shopping. I only had $7 to spend, so I counted every penny to choose some things to last for four more days until my next paycheck. Normally, I might have felt a little sorry for myself for my “cash-flow problem”, but today I only felt blessed—and guilty. As I walked through the fresh produce, I thought, “Just think how many people this much food would feed in an impoverished village! I’ll have more money in four days, but they won’t. My children have never gone hungry, but millions of children die of starvation. We have so much… What can I do? What do You want me to do, LORD?” I prayed for clear direction concerning what GOD was leading me to do, and also how/when/where to even share this disturbing dream.

“From Despair to Destiny”

I have no doubt that the LORD sent this dream, as I could and would never have conjured up such a horrid event. (The Word says that God will send dreams, more and more, in the last days.) I would never purposefully kill my own child, let alone another child, even a “stranger’s child”. But what I truly believe Jesus meant for me to see (and hopefully, those who will read or hear this) is just this: As we value the children of the world, so we will value our own children--- if we can grasp the heart of God in this matter! GOD loves them just as much… and died for their salvation, as well! (John 3:16, Matthew 28:19-20) We must go to the remote and obscure places where they cry for help—and answer the call. Isn’t that where Jesus would be? He said He is… and so are we… when we meet their needs, “the least of these”, in His name, by the Spirit’s power, and with His life-changing love.

“The Promise (and Definition) of True Religion”

In John 14:18, Jesus told us: “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” God came to us… so we should take God to them. Matthew 25: 37-40 gives us this promise: "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Romans 12:21 admonishes us to “Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” I believe that James 1:27 defines and summarizes this high calling: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

For Christ’s Sake, and for all of His children worldwide, Becky Wright Aug. 2, 2010 www.beckywrightsongs.com

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tears at breakfast... Lizzie died 6 yrs. ago today:((

I saw a package of seeds (for green beans) laying on the table this morning at breakfast, as I sipped my coffee. All of the sudden, my mind went back several years (maybe 2003?) to a time when my younger sister Elizabeth (Liz or Lizzie) was sick for weeks, and trying-- as a single mom of five young children-- to care for them while being ill. I worked full-time as a music teacher, but when I found out her dilemna, I made a home-made beef stew, snapping some beans from our own little garden, to add to the other vegetables.

I also made no-bake cookies (Liz & her kids' favorite) and took the goodies over to her house-- feeling AWFUL that she'd been so cavelier about her condition-- suffering silently, as she did much of the time-- that I didn't even know she was sick for the first two weeks. (We only lived about 10 miles apart.)

When I arrived and took the food in, Liz said with grateful, teary eyes, "That's the most 'Christian' thing anyone's ever done for me." I felt even WORSE, that apparently no one else had reached out to this single mom, none one seemed to know... But, as her SISTER, I certainly felt badly that I didn't visit her more, spend more time, etc. And, it wasn't home-made lasagna with garlic bread or even chicken fajitas... it was just a one-pot hamburger stew. Just a small step up from sandwiches, I figured. Only with home-grown green beans. :))  Hindsight...

In the middle of this 5-second flash-back sparked by the package of green bean seeds on the table, my eyes darted to the calendar on the wall... JUNE 3rd. I fell apart with sobs like I haven't had in years (well, months...)

Six years ago today Elizabeth dove into a raging river to save the life of her 9-year-old son James, who'd lost his balance in the current as he waded in to catch minnows and crawdads, while his mom and siblings were fishing. Liz was only 35 years old, home-schooled her children, to raise them as Christians, and (ironically) protect them from "the evils of th world", including from things that had happened to her as a little girl--- thus her "over-protective" nature. (She suffered some things that would make it difficult to trust anyone...)

We can't number our days... only GOD does that. No river, no disease, no terrorist or drunk driver. We MUST trust His Sovereignty... what are our choices? Live in fear everyday, or bitterness and resentment and cynicism most of the time? Or will we be comforted in God's presence, and encourage others to trust Him even when it hurts?

Lizzie knew and loved Jesus, and I have NO doubt where she is. Our dad has since joined her, just in September of 2009. She is also with the babies that she miscarried-- 3 more children to add to the five here, who are still on "this side of eternity".

Will I still cry, until Jesus comes??? OF COURSE. But my grief, OUR grief as believers, is not without hope...

Until then, thanks for your prayers. I will grieve, or rejoice, with YOU, too, my brothers and sisters.


P.S: If you haven't heard the song that Lizzie wrote (on my "No Denying" album- listen at Indie Heaven) called "Where the Lamb WIll Be the Light"-- I invite you to. She wrote it at the age of 19, and we used to sing it together. Prophetic...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mixed feelings about my kids' new Birth Certificates

I received my (newly adopted) children's new birth certificates today, with mixed emotions. Jeffery is now 10, and little Jaycie just turned 4. (The children came to live with us 15 months ago, a foster-adoption. Kinship for Jeffery [my biological cousin] but no biological relation for his baby half-sister.)
Once again, I felt their pain, their loss-- of the birth family who "should have" loved them and raised them, of the future that they "should have" had with the birth mother who bore them-- in a perfect world. Terribly addicted to drugs and alcohol, however, she could not continue to be their mother, at least not in a parenting role. What a terrible LOSS for (now, my) children. Their extended birth family (most from West Virginia, some from Georgia) did (and does) love them, however, and I am forever grateful for the efforts they DID show to care for my babies-- until they were mine (we live in Oklahoma).

I've made 3 different DVD's for my children's birth families, sent photos, etc., and email and call the one relative (an aunt) who still has a telephone, and internet. (Most of them have neither... which many of us cannot fathom living without.) I see the TREASURES I have in this precious boy and darling little girl, and I grieve for their birth family's great loss... it must tear at their hearts that these babies are so far away, from their hugs, their familiar ways, their kisses and laughter.

All adoption (whether a newborn, from foster care, or an orphanage- or from direct relinquishment by a family you know) involves LOSS-- on the part of many parties. What is GAIN for the new parents (and "gain" for the newly adopted children- who have a future, a hope, security, provisions, LOVE in their new home) is also a loss for the children, and for their birth families.

Believe me, my children are MINE, and before the world was created, God knew that they were MEANT to be MINE. Because He also knew the choices that their birth family would make, the addictions, the neglect, and the abuse that my children would suffer before being "plucked out of the fire" and brought to a safe place... their "forever home", our home--- their home. We are all SO BLESSED to be a family, and to have each other. NO DOUBT... only compassion and empathy for my children's losses, and that of their original family.

I've been working on Life Books for each child-- a work in progress. I'd saved a page for the new birth certificates (which, as I shared, just arrived an hour ago in my mailbox). Before that page, however, are 3-4 other pages about their birth mother, fathers (different for each child), their grandmother, cousins, and aunts that I'm aware of, and with whom most of whom I deliberately still keep contact. This is for my children... they've lost enough, hurt enough, had enough "broken connections"--- I don't want their whole history to "disappear". I just want to give them as much love -- and help for healing and understanding (and forgiving)-- as I can.

May healing come... God help us all. (I know He will, and is!)

Blessings to you all. Becky Wright

Thursday, April 8, 2010

WHY on earth would you vote for me?

Hello-- Becky Wright here. I've been contacted a few times from some "industry folk" that I should be "inviting my fans" to VOTE for me for some music awards I'm up for. Now, honestly, I'd rather pluck my eyebrows or clean toilets than hound my fans & friends to spend 5 minutes to jump through a few hoops for me, for which they receive no "tangible return". Know what I mean?

However, I got an email from a young woman this morning, who had attended a recent concert of mine, at a tiny church of only about 30 people in attendance. After the concert, she tearfully confided in me some things about her life (concerning child abuse she'd suffered, adoption, finding Christ), and that she KNEW that she was supposed to be there that night to hear my songs and my testimony. Her email today said:

"I hope you remember me from [church name]. I was going to send you my "story" of my adoption and what happened after... I think writing it down will even touch my own mind and heart as well, but am excited that someone is interested in "me" as I have never really "belonged" anywhere; and now someone says "I want to hear your story"! Thank you, that made me feel of worth. I will be in touch soon. You take care and God bless you!!!"

A life CHANGED... HOPE restored... a heart beginning to HEAL. THAT'S why I do what I do. God taking my "mess" and making it into a "message" of hope and restoration. Reason enough.

That being said, awards tend to "open doors", like something nice on a resume. People tend to believe you might actually have something to say or share, if thousands of "fans" believe that about you. SO, I'm asking YOU to VOTE in the Agape Fest Awards, by the April 15th deadline (7 days from when I'm writing this!), and would certainly appreciate your consideration. Here's the link to sign up: (Free, of course): http://www.kingcountryagapefest.com/vote2010.html

Below is the "Official" press release, FYI. Also, if you live in north Texas or anywhere nearby, I would LOVE to meet you at the festival! (FREE for fans.) Let me know! Becky


The 9th Annual King Country Agape Fest, this year to be held in Granbury, Texas, announces its Top 5 Finalists for various awards in music and media. Becky Wright, Oklahoma singer/songwriter and 2008 Agape Fest Female Songwriter of the Year, is among the Finalists for Female Vocalist of the Year, and Female Songwriter. Christian Artists, radio & TV personnel and others are nominated. The public is urged to cast their vote for their favorites, before the April 15th deadline. Go to: www.kingcountryagapefest.com/vote2010.html to see the list of finalists and sign up to vote (online, and FREE).

The 2010 Agape Fest, sponsored by KNGR King Country Radio, takes place in downtown Granbury, TX, an hour south of Ft. Worth/ Dallas, from Wed.-Sat. June 23rd - 26th. Over 100 Christian/gospel and positive country artists from across the USA & Canada will perform at 10 restaurants and other venues around the city. The festival includes a Talent Competition, Songwriting Competition, Top 5 Awards Show (open to the public), and culminates with the Awards Show on Sat. June 26th. The festival is FREE and open to the public, and a great chance for fans to get to know the artists "up close and personal". Those wishing to enter the Talent or Songwriting Competition may do so through the website, with fantastic prizes and opportunities (radio airplay, album production, etc.) available for the winners. For more info, see http://www.kingcountryagapefest.com/ . Listen 24/7 to KNGR online at www.kingcountry.org.

Becky Wright is a Staff Missionary of Artists in Christian Testimony, International, with home offices in Brentwood, TN. She's recorded five albums, and is currently touring the USA speaking and singing for women's ministry events, and adoption/orphan and crisis pregnancy ministry events. She resides in northeastern Oklahoma with her husband and youngest 4 children (of nine), a Cocker Spaniel and a very old cat. www.beckywrightsongs.com

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Give Up" a baby for Adoption? Hear this song...

I suppose many of us might judge too quickly when we hear about a woman (and a man, often involved in the decision) who would "give up" or "give away" their baby. I've never been there, but I was ALMOST forced into that decision--- but spared by God's grace, and able to (thankfully) keep my precious baby, and go on to have 3 more babies over time. Four fine sons...:)) I also gained 3 step-children, and later adopted two more! (Yes, that's nine!!)

But for a woman who cannot raise her own baby, and give them the support, protection, healthy family environment, and other things that children need, adoption is certainly the LOVING OPTION that gives LIFE to a child, and a good conscience to a woman (and the birth father, if he is involved in this very difficult, and sacrificial, decision).

What a GIFT to give to your BABY-- the gift of LIFE, and the gift of HOPE, and the gift of a FAMILY when a birth mother (and father) lovingly select a "forever family" for their baby. What a heart-wrenching decision, what a sacrifice-- for the BEST for that baby. I can't even imagine...

I know several women (personally) who've made that decision. I also know of one in history (the mother of Moses) who had to give up her son for adoption to keep him from being murdered by a wicked king at the time (Pharoah). Ironically, her son ended up in the hands of Pharoah's own DAUGHTER!!! God certainly works in creative ways! The story does not end there... Read for yourself about Moses' amazing beginnings in Exodus chapters 1 and 2 (Holy Bible). I even recommend the animated Dreamworks movie, "The Prince of Egypt". (The music is outstanding, too!!!)

Speaking of music, I'd love for you to have a FREE song download, inspired by a friend of mine who was "relinquished" by her teenage birth mom, adopted into a Christian family, and who went on to start a world-renowned ministry called http://www.actoflife.org/ (based in Houston). She is helping now to save lives of countless babies as their birth mothers receive help and counseling to either be able to keep and raise their babies, or lovingly place them into adoptive homes-- instead of abortion. "Adoption is a choice that EVERYONE can LIVE with."

Get the new song "Act of Life" at www.indieheaven.com/artists/becky_wright  . Click on "Redeem", and (if necessary), put in the redeem code: "life" . I'd LOVE to know what you think of the song. (This is just a simple demo; full production to come soon, as funds are provided!)

For LIFE, for all, Becky Wright


http://www.beckywrightsongs.com/  Official site.
www.facebook.com/beckywrightmusic  Be a FAN on Facebook.
www.twitter.com/becky_wright  Follw me on Twitter.
www.youtube.com/bwsongs   Subscribe to my YouTube videos.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Success... Says Who? Strange turn of events...

I'd like to think I've come full circle over the years in my definition of "success". As a mom, a wife, a Christian, and as a musician and songwriter, I always sense that yearning to be better, to do more, to go deeper, to impact more people. A friend and colleague of mine, Eric Copeland (http://www.creativesoulonline.com/ ) sends out an excellent newsletter (which sparked my response here) and gave me permission to reprint excerpts of it [near the bottom]. Here's to your true success!

Eric--- once again, THANKS! God's been confirming that to me in many ways lately, and I genuinely appreciate His timeliness and your honest and bold transparency in sharing this truth! I've received 3 messages over the last two weeks (on Facebook, lol) from former music students of mine (before I resigned from full-time music teaching), kids now ages 12-13. Each of them said things along the lines of, "Oh, Miss Wright, we miss you SO much! Do you remember me? You were my music teacher for (varying years). Your MUSIC and bold testimony are the reason I'm serving God today!"

These came unsolicited, from kids that weren't even "friends" on Facebook yet-- they just found me and wrote to me-- all in a 2-week span. I was blown away.

For over 2 1/2 yrs (after my little sister drowned in 2004), I kept praying for God to get me OUT of that job, let me be home with my kids more (my sister had left behind 5 kids ages 2-13), and of course have the time for the occasional travel involved with my music ministry, recording, etc. I didn't understand why God kept me there for so much longer, then suddenly prompted me in the middle of the year that it was time to leave, miraculously providing the appropriate (and highly qualified and very eager) replacement for my position-- which was unheard of. (And, my superintendent said they'd only let me out of my contract if this happened. I prayed SO hard! The answer was revealed in less than 24 hours!) God creatively and within 24 hours also provided another means of income (doing something I love- teaching private piano & voice lessons) so we wouldn't have to live on the street, either! (I wonder if I could feel successful living in a box... if God told me to, I suppose so!)

Another significant matter had been taken care of in the semester before I left that job, which helped me understand why I had to be there that long-- to "fight that battle" and win it... for the students, for the future of music education, without wiping out all history of religious thought in music (like Bach, Mozart, Handel, etc.) Anyway, I didn't know that would happen in the 2 1/2 yrs. before it happened... but God did. I had to be there... it was my assignment, and my privilege, to be His instrument of truth, to set the right precedent-- "for such a time as this".

I completely agree with your assessment of "success", Eric. Being able to do what you love during the day, and still sleep at night. If I may elaborate, it also means being able to bless and serve other people with joy in that "job assignment" that you love--or even sometimes which you don't love. But being obedient in using your skills and talents, and spreading the LOVE of God within you to everyone around you-- even if you don't want to be there.

I think often of Joseph in prison for crimes he didn't commit, but he remained a BLESSING (and trusted in God- even through much anguish) while he was in that "less than desirable circumstance". God rewarded him eventually, and set him in a place of honor, ruling over all of Egypt. Just to bless Joseph? NO, of course not. To be a further blessing, to help more people, and even to save his own (long-lost) family! WOW!

I'm sure Joseph questioned how "successful" he was, behind bars, torn from his family, a stranger in a foreign land-- many times. But I'm assuming he learned that TRUE SUCCESS-- is being in the CENTER of God's will for your life.

'Nuff said. Matthew 6:33 is one of my favorite scriptures, and has weighed heavily on my heart lately: "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these (other) things will be added unto (supplied for) you."

GO AND BE SUCCESSFUL!!! Love, Becky        http://www.beckywrightsongs.com/

EXCERPTS FROM The Creative Soul Newsletter, Eric Copeland www.CreativeSoulOnline.com (Reprinted by permission.)

That inspired me as we all are trying to understand what God has for us in the way of success in our art.

I think it would surprise us all that we are already pretty successful.

I don't think success is having "made it". Look at the richest people ever. When did they make it? One million? Ten million? You don't think each one of those million brought it's own share of problems?

Success in music, as I have found it, is just about consistent, good work. [Becky adds: This would be true in any line of work, rearing children, home-making, mechanics, teachers, missionaries, etc.]

"I was made to work. If you are equally industrious, you will be equally successful." - Johann Sebastian Bach

So, the chasing of 'success' is actually kind of ludicrous isn't it? Because it comes as a result of our good WORK.

I think a more [accurate] idea would be to love what we DO. And then just - DO.

Ministry is not a popularity contest, and jockeying for position is wrong among Christ's followers. Jesus is the head of the church, and He is to have first place in everything. When you and I die to our need to be noticed, we'll fulfill an even greater need: the need for significance in God's eyes. Exchange self-importance for a life of true significance."

Maybe sometimes we do put success in our own mind ahead of success for the Lord. It's a natural human condition.

But I think if you take a good look, you're already pretty successful just doing what you do.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." - (Psalm 1:1-3)