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Becky Wright at "Blind School Bash" Concert, Muskogee, OK 2006

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hurry Up and... WAIT.

FOR ALL WHO WAIT... Patiently or NOT.

(Edited and reprinted from a response to my friend Nichole & her husband, as they waited... seemingly FOREVER... to bring hom their new children. This was in Jan. 2008. Both Nichole and we HAVE our children now:)))

Nichole (and all who read this), I feel your pain and frustration! We are facing similar "delays" that seem out of our control. (I'll name them succinctly, but read to the end! God really spoke to me the other day [in 2 ways] and it really helped me-- and will help you, and others facing similar dilemnas.)

-Our homestudy was turned in (from the contract provider who did our interview), but sat on a desk for 3 days until her supervisor came in to read it. (They don't keep regular office hours.) Delay #1. The supervisor kept it much longer than what her worker said she would- her "1-2 day turnaroun" turned into 6 days. Delay #2. When the supervisor turned it into DHS, they read it quickly (48 hours), then emailed me with the disheartening news that "critical questions were overlooked" and that they were trying to reach the original HS provider to come to our house AGAIN to ask these "omitted" questions. Delay #3 (at least another 7-10 days!!). Now, as of yesterday, the homestudy is turned back in and already read by the supervisor again, but she can't reach the DHS person who needs it-- because the DHS person is in OKC today with meetings-- and they said they can't email the homestudy, even! All we're getting is voice mails... Delay #4. These are only the delays in the last three weeks-- not to mention the ones preceding that.

HERE'S OUR HOPE and PEACE in the midst of this! God reminded me about 72 hours ago, as He impressed these thoughts upon my mind and heart:

 "Before the foundations of the world were laid, before you or these precious children were conceived in the womb, I ordained and designed the exact day that they would come to live with you. I planned for them to be in your family-- and My family-- all along. They will arrive at the exact moment that I've precisely designed. When you've done all you can do to stand, just STAND... just wait patiently. Any "delays" are all in My perfect plan! You don't have to understand, but only trust and obey. Be STILL and know that I AM God. Keep your mind stayed on ME and I will keep you in perfect peace."

Hang in there, Nichole, and others waiting and wondering --- and fretting sometimes, just like me, just like Nichole. God truly IS in control!!

One more precious way the LORD spoke to us was through a precious 8-yr-old little girl, to whom I teach piano, about two weeks ago. All my piano students, including little Ella, are very excited about the new children, and every week when they come, they expect that they WILL have arrived already! (I wish!!) When I had to tell Ella (once again), "No, they're not here yet. I wish they'd hurry up!" Ella replied so sweetly, "Oh, it seems like a long time wait right now. But after they're here, it will have seemed like nothing... like the time passed very quickly, and you'll all be so happy!"

May it be so for all of us. Love and prayers for you today, Nichole!!! While we wait, Becky

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